World Quaker Day 2017 in the Europe and Middle East Section April 10, 2018/ Uncategorized

Africa Section        Asia-West Pacific        Section of the Americas

Coventry Quaker Meeting, Britain Yearly Meeting

Coventry Friends (part of Central England Area Meeting of Britain Yearly Meeting) put aside our usual silent un-programmed meeting and heard five readings from around the world and also two pieces of recorded music:

1 Cuba Yearly Meeting, 2017 Epistle:
Vivimos tiempos en que el planeta Tierra se debilita, todos estamos en esta superficie, unos al norte, otros al sur, pero somos la especie humana creada, crecida y transformada por el amor del Padre de todos. Desde nuestras comunidades, busquemos la bendita presencia, sólo esta podrá conducirnos a responder a las necesidades que padecemos.

We are living in times in which the planet Earth is deteriorating, we are all on that planet’s surface, some to the north and others to the south, but we are created as the human species, developed and transformed by the love of the Father for everyone. From our communities we seek the blessed presence; only that can lead us to respond to the necessities we suffer.

2 Friends Church Nairobi:
“Our primary and overall objective is to preach the Gospel of God’s love and salvation through Jesus Christ to all mankind. We are Jesus’ friends through our trust and obedience in what he commands us to do. In the scriptures, Jesus says, “you are my friends if you do what I command you” (John 15:14). We believe in the trinity(God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit) and that Jesus Christ is our Lord and savior.”

3 Pacific Yearly Meeting, Advices and Queries:
Do I live in thankful awareness of God’s constant presence in my life? Am I sensitive and obedient to the leadings of the Holy Spirit? When do I take time for contemplation and spiritual refreshment? What steps am I taking to center my life and to stay open to continuing revelation?

4 Evangelical Friends Church Southwest, (USA) Congregation Accountability Questions:
Have we honored the counsel of our elders and pastors? When we were not in unity, did we find the mind of Christ through discussion and prayer rather than through politicking and voting?

5 Aotearoa/New Zealand Yearly Meeting, Advices and Queries:
A caring Meeting can bring healing at times of difficulty or despair. Listen sensitively to what, although not clearly expressed, may be a cry for help. Are you available to help others, even at some cost to yourself? Are you willing to be helped, both practically and spiritually?

The music was from Timeless Quaker Wisdom in Plainsong by Paulette Meier

Track 18: “Be patterns, be examples, in all countries, places, islands, nations, wherever you come; that your carriage and life may preach among all sorts of people and to them; then you will come to walk cheerfully over the world, answering that of God in everyone; whereby in them ye may be a blessing, and make the witness of God in them to bless you.” George Fox, 1656

Track 10: “They that love beyond the world cannot be separated by it.  Death cannot kill what never dies, nor can spirits ever be divided that love and live in the same Divine Principle, the root and reward of their friendship.”  William Penn, 1660

You can see Paulette perform another of the tracks here.

Gothenburg Meeting, Sweden

We met for Meeting for Worship Sunday morning Oct 1st and both during Meeting and afterwards we acknowledged that we are happy to be part of the World Family of Friends. Stories were shared from Meetings with other traditions than ours and Friendship across borders, continents and oceans. A reminder also that in reality all days are Quaker days.

Long Sutton Quaker Meeting, Britain Yearly Meeting

Long Sutton

Long Sutton (Somerset, England) Quaker Meeting sends love and greetings. We have just celebrated the 300th birthday of our Meeting House, created in other turbulent times. We ask you to pray for peace and justice and thought you might like to do this while meditating on the wall hanging we made to commemorate our beautiful place of worship.

Milton Keynes Meeting, Britain Yearly Meeting

We received prepared ministry during the Meeting for Worship. This ministry gave us the context for the day. We heard examples of the work of the Religious Society of Friends in different parts of the world. We acknowledged that Quakers world wide share in common an understanding that there is something of God/ the Divine/ the Light in each person, and from that core understanding comes the values of speaking truth, treating others and the environment with respect, living simply, working with others, resolving conflict through peaceful means. The words of Gretchen Castle, the General Secretary of Friends World Committee for Consultation were read, “If we can love our Quaker family who look very different from us, who worship very differently from how we worship, then we can learn to bring love to the world”.  The prepared ministry gave rise to spoken ministry which included appreciating our diversity, justice and vegetarianism.

After the Meeting for Worship we had the opportunity of looking at the 2017 version of the Finding Quakers Around the World Map. Those new to Friends (quite a number in our meeting!)  were particularly surprised about the large number of Friends in Africa and South America.

Minehead Quaker Meeting, Britain Yearly Meeting


Ministry in Meeting had included awareness of the the witness for peace and justice going on amongst Quakers around the world and Friends wished to pass on their good wishes and prayers.

Rathfarnam Meeting, Dublin Ireland


Rathfarnham Friends celebrated World Quaker Day by reflecting on what Quakerism means to them … and by eating cake!

Rochester Meeting, Britain Yearly Meeting


Rochester Friends celebrated World Quaker Day with a buffet lunch for their meeting house hirers.

Svartbäcken, Sweden

Members of Sweden YM Executive and Nominations Committees and Elders met at the YM retreat Centre Svartbäcken, 60 km north of Stockholm, for their annual weekend retreat. On Sunday, October 1 we had Meeting for Worship together before having lunch and departing.

Tampere, Finland


There are many more in our group, these lovely Friends were present when the picture was taken.

Troon Scotland, Britain Yearly Meeting


Greetings to Friends everywhere on World Quaker Day 2017!

Quakers in Ayrshire enjoyed a fruitful meeting for worship followed by delicious flapjack and hot drinks. While the rain lashed outside, we discussed the highlights of the previous day’s successful enquirers day in which several members participated. We also finalised planning for our open day this Wednesday which is focused on Peace Education and how our faith leads us to action.

Winchmore Hill Meeting London, Britain Yearly Meeting

Winchmore Hill

Winchmore Hill Quakers (Britain Yearly Meeting) marking World Quaker Day / BYM Quaker Week with their first shared lunch in their newly refurbished premises.

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