Africa – Asia-West Pacific – Europe and Middle East – Americas
View how Section of the Americas celebrated World Quaker Day, 2021.
We celebrated Quaker Day at our Tiny Monthly Meeting after today’s Silent Worship. Elaine - Clerk of New York Yearly Meeting joined us on this special occasion.
This Building revitalization was done by Volunteering by neighborhood Meeting Quakers And welwishers last year and it’s going to be continous process as it needs further repair and care. New Railings and Lattice were added. Life and Sprit will guide us.
Grand Rapids Friends Meeting has just recently returned to a hybrid in-person Meeting for Worship format, with several people gathering at the Aquinas College Browne Center and others attending virtually by Zoom. On World Quaker Day, Sunday, October 3rd, eleven Friends attended virtually and four in-person. Our Meeting portrait shows those 15 smiling faces. You can see the smiling twinkle in the eye of those with masks.
Though our World Quaker Day celebration was simple, our time together was heartwarming and the sharing of Friends during and after Worship was heartfelt, as always. We are all doing what we can to keep each other healthy and safe, while keeping our small Quaker community vital. Friends have joined us from all over Michigan and from many places around the U.S.
We continue to hold all of you in the Light, all over the world !
On Sunday, September 26th, the 3rd through 6th graders in our First Day School watched the video Invitation to World Quaker Day. Then they interviewed Meeting member Sharon Mullally about her Quaker faith.
On Sunday, October 3rd, we watched that video and reported back on conversations with family members about Quakerism in their lives. We also watched a video about how many Quakers there are all over the world. Then we celebrated with doughnuts and fruit juice.
This whole video about Quaker history, AND their tshirts that say "Yo soy cuaquero de " or I am a Quaker at Heart (which sounds better in Spanish). The speakers are all the current Representatives of FWCC SOA.
Photos below of World Quaker Day Celebration at Indianapolis First Friends Quaker Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana.
West Chester Monthly Meeting (West Chester, PA, USA) - held a BYOB (bring your own breakfast) followed by worship at Hibernia County Park.
As we are under a “No Movement Day” (lockdown) on Sundays, our worship has been facilitated through the Zoom platform. For World Quaker Day this year we joined the Facebook Live stream from High Point Friends in NC, USA and were blessed by the message from Pastor Scott Wagoner. twenty-five households representing about six of our JYM churches participated. Just to note, Scott’s father Bill Wagoner is the founding pastor of Worthington Friends Church and Scott was born in Jamaica!